Thursday, 21 September 2023

Is FT one sided?

 Online visit to Financial Times displayed following:

As an Indian who lived during the Punjab challenge, this appears very shocking that FT a respected financial newspaper is displaying one sided news.

Why one-sided?:

  1. Ignorance of the Newspaper about the lives lost in solving Punjab challenge which was sponsored by the neighboring countries.
  2. No mention about sheltering individuals with extremist ideologies and separating / breaking India.
  3. If FT is taking up the cause of Sikhs in Canada were they aware about their history and damage caused to Indians during the 1980's?
  4. How did killing of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan and Generals of Iran etc. was addressed even though killing of Mr. Nijjar is only allegation.
FT states "The Financial Times is one of the world’s leading news organisations, recognised internationally for its authority, integrity and accuracy."

Question is if you report one sided headings, where is the accuracy addressed? Which in turn raises eyebrows on the integrity.

It is better the FT should focus more on Financial / Economic related issue and less of National issue of other countries which is not their strength.

As an Indian, the belief that FT, Economist, WSJ and others were not one sided in reporting got busted slowly and steadily since last few years.

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