Friday, 29 July 2022

Interesting Truth - between the lines

Partha Chatterjee suspended from TMC.

Indian Express ArticleIn Partha Chatterjee’s eclipse, the rising sun of Abhishek Banerjee is very important to understand what Partha Chatterjee stated:

“Mamata did the right thing, but I am a victim of conspiracy. What the party has done, time will tell whether it is right or not,”

The article helps us by giving lots of clues:

From TMC’s V-P poll decision to minister’s removal, 34-year-old Abhishek takes lead, gets credit for fast action

The speed and unprecedented nature of the Trinamool Congress’s action against one of its topmost leaders has the fingerprints of Abhishek Banerjee all over it.

In the days following the TMC’s triumphal return to power in West Bengal last year, Abhishek had been tasked with primarily helping the party grow outside the state. However, that project has sputtered following the setbacks in Goa and Tripura, bringing Abhishek’s focus back to Bengal.

A senior TMC leader admitted they were surprised at the pace at which things moved against Chatterjee, given that the party never reacted with such alacrity in similar cases before. 

In fact, for the past few months, the Abhishek camp has been at pains to project their 34-year-old leader as a crusader against corruption. This comes against the backdrop of cases against Abhishek and his wife Rujira in an alleged coal smuggling case.

Partha Chatterjee incident raised one question why CM of West Bengal stood completely in silence.

Above article in Indian Express gave all the answers. 

This article is worth treasuring to understand Political Conspiracy.

CM of West Bengal stated:

"Some mistakes are bound to happen while running a big organisation. If anyone makes a mistake and it is legally proved, the errant will be punished," 

If we believe, then we are at fault in under estimating the intelligence of West Bengal CM.

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