An interview of Joseph Heller on Absurdity of Politics is worth reading. Heller (Catch 22 Author) discussed about Democracy and other related issues about President / Government.
The interview is must read as many illuminating ideas are shared by Heller.
Highly recommended to read.
Joseph Heller: The Absurdity of Politics
Select portions from the interview for nudging the readers to read:
Well, it’s disgusting to realize that there are organizations and specialists who exist in grooming and advising a candidate for office, whether it’s a mayoral or gubernatorial election, or a federal election. They tell him what to wear, how to stand, where to sit, what to say. But isn’t it equally disgusting that we know about it, and we’re not revolted by that?
Well, after doing this novel, Picture This, where I studied history, I’ve come to the conclusion that men don’t make history. I think. history makes personalities. It’s only Shakespeare, “There is a tide in the affairs of men-”
No, I didn’t find it at all. In fact, I found as democracy was instituted, it be-came more chaotic, more chaotic, more corrupt, more warlike. Another thing I learned from Athenian history and it’s corroborated by our own is, it is much easier for the leader of a country to make war than to administer to the domestic problems of that society.
That statement was made by Plato at about 380 B.C., in The Republic. “All societies we know of are governed by the selfish interests of the ruling class.” Can you think of many societies between Plato’s Athens and today to whom that would not apply in very large part?
No, I think that if you look at the history of monarchies, you would find the exceptional king, the accident of birth and circumstance was a blessing, but they appeared intermittently. There’s no system I can envision that would elevate to office the kind of people that we would like to see elevated.
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