Saturday, 28 March 2020

Do we see reality?

TED Talk by Donald Hoffman on Do we see reality? poses questions which have been asked many times in various Indian Scriptures.

Some of the statements are very interesting:

In 1868, Thomas Huxley wrote, "How it is that anything so remarkable as a state of consciousness comes about as the result of irritating nervous tissue is just as unaccountable as the appearance of the genie when Aladdin rubbed his lamp." Now, Huxley knew that brain activity and conscious experiences are correlated, but he didn't know why. To the science of his day, it was a mystery. In the years since Huxley, science has learned a lot about brain activity, but the relationship between brain activity and conscious experiences is still a mystery. Why? Why have we made so little progress? Well, some experts think that we can't solve this problem because we lack the necessary concepts and intelligence

Donald Hoffman gave some wonderful examples explaining how perception is not reality and hence reality is something different.

As it is said:

This Vedic truth is not a product of the human mind and cannot be comprehended by the unaided human intellect. Only a competent teacher, through direct experience, can reveal to the qualified student the true significance of the Vedas and the fullness of their absolutely consistent truth.

The talk is interesting and worth listening:

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