A Lullaby by Queen Madalasa worth reading.
शुद्धोऽसि रे बाल न तेऽस्ति नाम कृतं हि वै तत कल्पनयाधुनैव ।
पञ्चात्मकं देहमिदं न तेऽस्ति त्वं वास्य रे रोदिषि कस्य हेतोः ॥ (१)
O Child ! For what reason you are crying? Don’t cry. Thou Art ever Pure and
Eternal, devoid of Names and Forms. You are the form of Bliss,
untouched by Sorrow. You have superimposed the sorrow upon yourself
and owing to ignorance, are wailing. The sorrow arose owing to the
false identity with body and hence experiencing sorrow which is
the cause of your cry. Since, Thou Art Existence, Knowledge, Bliss
Absolute and not the body consisting of 5 elements,
where is the point in crying. All these names and forms are ephemeral
and are imaginary. . So, don’t cry.
न वै भवान रोदिति विश्वजन्मा शब्दोऽयमासाद्य महीसमूहम ।
विकल्प्यमानो विविधैर्गुणार्थैः गुणाश्च भूताः सकलेन्द्रियेषु ॥ (२)
Don’t Cry ! Thou Art Ishwara – the Creator and Lord of the Universe.
As the creation is a “vikalpa” born out of ignorance,
where is the point in wailing and crying? Hence, don’t cry.
भूतानि भूतोपरि दुर्बलानि वृद्धिं समायान्ति तथेह पुंसाम ।
अन्नाम्बुदानादिभिरेककस्य न तेऽस्ति वृद्धिर्न च तेऽस्ति हानिः ॥ (३)
Just as the gross elements with combination among themselves,
is subjected to increase (वृद्धि) and decrease (क्षय),
similarly, this body, made of gross elements, too, is
subjected to change and decay. The Inner Self (Atman) is
beyond these attributes, untouched. And, Thou Art That.
Hence, don’t cry.
त्वं कञ्चुके सज्यमानो निजेस्मिन्नस्मिंश्च देहे मूढतां न व्रजेथाः ।
शुभाशुभैः कर्मभिर्देहमेनं मदाभिमूढैः कञ्चुकेऽस्मिन्पिनद्धः ॥ (४)
Thou, having worn this armor called “body”, becoming deluded,
are identifying with it. Thou Art the Witness but out of ignorance
and under the influence of “I-ness” and “My-ness” are
trapped in the meshes of samsAra.
Hence, don’t cry.
तातेति किञ्चित्तनयेति किञ्चित अम्बेति किञ्चिदपितेति किञ्चित ।
तवेति किञ्चिन्न ममेति किञ्चिद्भौतेषु सर्वं मुहुरालयेथाः ॥ (५)
By getting entangled in the mesh of Ignorance called samsAra,
this “body” is identified sometimes with father, sometimes with son,
sometimes with mother, sometimes with brother, sometimes as a
relative, as a friend as a foe etc. in several births down the line.
All these are due to false identity of attachment with the
body owing to Ignorance. This ignorance is due to non-awareness
of the identity with the Supreme Innermost Self which is of the form of Bliss.
दुःखञ्च दुःखोपशमं शमाय भोगाय जानाति विमूढचेताः ।
तान्येव दुःखानि पुनः सुखानि जानाति विद्वानविमूढचेताः ॥ (६)
In order to do away with sorrows, the ignorant fool runs after
momentary pleasures. The intelligent, having endowed with
power of discrimination, would strive to do away with
both pleasures and pains. For him, just as pain is an obstruction,
so as the pleasure. Such a person is called “vidvAn”.
Thou Art That. Hence, don’t cry.
सहोत्थितं दर्शनमक्षियुग्मं अत्युज्ज्वलं तत्कलुषं वसायाः ।
कुचोऽति पीनं पिशितं घनं तत्स्थानं ततः किन्नरकं न योषित ॥ (७)
Upon careful observation of the anatomy of a woman, one comes
to the conclusion that it is made up of flesh. Not knowing this,
the deluded men run after them and thus, thus, end up in
getting entangled in pain and cycle of birth and death.
यानं क्षितौ यानगतं च देहं देहेऽपिचान्यः पुरुषो निविष्टः ।
ममत्वमथ्याॅन्न तथा यथा स्वे देहेऽतिमात्रं च न मूढतैषा ॥ (८)
On this earth, take birth several bodies endowed upAdhis.
These are subjected to change (called yAna) (यान). But, there is a
Supreme Self called “Purusha” who is seated inside the body
who is Eternal and Witness. Thou Art That, O Child! Don’t identify
yourself with the yAna but Thou Art that Supreme Purusha.
Hence, don’t cry.
Note: समानेप्यभिमानविषये देहे एव दृढं अभिमानं कुर्वन्नति मूढ इत्याह यानं इति
(ie., the Jiva abhimana is called yAna)
Source for the above Lullaby:
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