Fali Nariman, Internationally recognized Jurist, spoke on the occasion of Constitution day (Samvidhan Diwas - 26th November).
Thank you to the individual who recorded the speech delivered by Fali Nariman. The speech brings out many interesting aspects about India, Indians and Indian Constitution.
Some portions of the speech which got left out from the recording was captured on the website https://barandbench.com.
Please read selected parts of speech on the website https://barandbench.com/sabarimala-fali-nariman-difficult-problem/
A small portion from the website is reproduced below to create interest in the minds of readers:
“The importance of Collegiality amongst judges is a very important thing which I have found lacking. Unfortunately, the difficulty is when Supreme Court judges sit in Benches of three, five and seven. But they don’t sit and discuss as to what is to happen. Or that ‘you write for the majority and you write for the minority’. While that happens everywhere in the world, it does not happen here. They (Supreme Court judges) all come on the same day and pronounce the judgment. Nobody knows which judge has dissented [until then].”
Truly Fali Nariman is a Master.
To read more about Fali Nariman and some of his memorable quotes please visit Fali Sam Nariman - The Living Prodigy of Law. I reproduce some quotes of Fali Sam Nariman:
“A case I won – but I would prefer to have lost. Criticizing his own win, Nariman said I do not see what is so special about the first five judges of the Supreme Court. They are only the first five in seniority of appointment – not necessarily in superiority of wisdom or competence….”